Collection: Thermal Label Printer Cleaning & Maintanance Products

End-user maintenance directly and dramatically affects the productive life of your print head. According to a leading thermal printer manufacturer, a maintenance program can decrease print head failures by 80%. The not-so-hidden costs of neglect include lost production, customer dissatisfaction, frequent service calls, and premature equipment replacement.

With thermal barcode printers, the leading cause of premature print head failure is a build-up of adhesive, label residue, and other contaminants. This creates a baked-on coating that heat produced by the dots on the print head cannot penetrate. The trapped heat burns out the dots, and with thermal printers, failure of only a couple of dots can render the print head useless.

Cleaning should be convenient for operators and scheduled at consistent intervals (for example, when you change labels/tag stock). 

Printer Labels Store supplies a wide range of cleaning products and kits to keep your thermal label printer working optimally.